cinnamon apple waffles

Warm Apple Cinnamon Waffles + a Few Facts on Fiber

Recently I have been working on a couple of articles - one illustrating ways to increase protein at breakfast and one illustrating appetizing breakfast, lunch and dinner options with fiber.  While I have not yet finished the posts (stay tuned), I have come up with a super simple, warm and delicious way to start my day.  What I liked about this discovery was that not only did it provide me with a new quick and simple recipe but it also tied in with some common questions I get from clients, allowing me to provide a teaching point or two along with my recipe.   

Warm Cinnamon Apple Sun Butter Waffles.JPG

So, before I share this recipe with you I want to talk a smidge on the topic that inspired today's recipe and that is the topic of FIBER.  I know, super thrilling.  Don't worry, the recipe is much more exciting :) Fiber - how much do we need and why do we need it?  Well, if you're a female between 18 and 50, you want 25 grams a day.  If you're a male between 18 and 50 you want 38 grams a day.  Men over 50 want 30 grams a day and women over 50 want 21 grams a day.  Fiber does all kinds of great things for us like promote a healthy gastrointestinal system, help lower our cholesterol, keep our blood sugars steady, and help us feel full.  Fiber can be SOLUBLE or INSOLUBLE and I have explained the differences below.  While some foods are higher in one type of fiber than the other, both forms are usually present to some degree.  As a general guideline, I wouldn't overthink it - just make sure you get a variety of these fiber-filled foods each day.

Soluble fiber attracts and absorbs water during digestion, which helps slow digestion and, therefore, keeps you fuller longer and keeps blood sugars steady (slower digestion means slower release of glucose into the blood stream).  This is also the fiber that has been found to help lower our blood cholesterol because it can bind to LDL, which is then removed from the body with the fiber. Soluble Fiber is found in foods such as: oat bran, oatmeal, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, peas, apples, pears and blueberries. It is also found in psyllium, which is a popular fiber supplement.

Insoluble Fiber adds bulk and helps move everything through your stomach and intestines.  It also helps create a feeling of fullness, which can aid in weight management.  Insoluble fiber is found in foods such as: wheat bran, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grains.

Now that I've dazzled you with the sciencey stuff, I want to share with you the yummy breakfast creation that came from this.  I was trying to think of a recipe that I, and hopefully others, could get excited about and one that would also be a good source of a fiber.  That is where this Cinnamon Apple SunButter Waffle came about.  I played around in the kitchen trying to think of ways to mix textures as well as flavors and I was so pleasantly surprised after taking my first bite of this waffle.  You don't have to bake it at the end if you don't have time, but if you do have the time, I highly recommend it.  The first time I tested this I did not bake the assembled waffle in the oven and it was good, but baking it at the end is way better!  Throwing it in the oven at the end softens and sweetens the apples while getting the waffle a little bit crispier on the outside.  You basically get warm cinnamon apples on a waffle.  But not just a plain waffle - a crispy on the outside waffle spread with warm creamy Sun Butter (or peanut butter, almond butter, etc.).  All of this topped with crunchy granola, tart dried cranberries and a sprinkle of cinnamon makes it anything but ordinary. I can't wait to make another.  Mmmmmmmm. Hope you have the time to give this one a try! 

Happy Fueling!


Warm Apple Cinnamon Waffle

Serves 1


Cinn Apple Sunbutter Waffle Aerial.JPG
  • 1 whole grain waffle ( I used Kashi brand)

  • 2 tablespoons SunButter (or your favorite nut or seed butter)

  • 3 fresh apple slices (thinly sliced)

  • 1 tablespoon dried cranberries

  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon

  • 1 tablespoon granola


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

  2. Toast waffle in the toaster to desired doneness.

  3. Once waffle is toasted, place on a baking sheet and spread the SunButter over the top.

  4. Layer apple slices flat across the Sun Butter.

  5. Sprinkle the cranberries, cinnamon and granola over the apples and Sun Butter.

  6. Place baking sheet in the preheated oven, baking waffle for 10 to 15 minutes.

  7. Remove waffle from oven, serve and enjoy!



waffle... fiber, protein, iron

sun butter... protein, fat (majority poly and monounsaturated fat), magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin E, vitamin B6

apples... fiber, vitamin C

cinnamon... manganese, calcium

KIND granola.... protein, fiber, iron


NUTRITION FACTS, per serving:

Calories 340  |  Protein 9.5 g  |  Carbs 63 g  |  Fat  21.1 g total (5.3 g sat)  |  Sodium 158 mg  |  Fiber 10 g  |  Calcium 100 mg