
Tahini Caesar Salad Jars: An easy & satisfying dairy-free salad for parent & young athlete

Wow, I have not posted in a while because life has obviously taken a sudden turn. My typical workday has been turned upside down and new responsibilities and priorities have taken over. However, while life currently looks very different, I still want to write and I still want to share nutrition information and recipes that I think might be valuable to you guys. As you know if you’ve been following along, I try to keep my recipes simple with minimal ingredients and so I hope you can use my site for some helpful resources during this crazy time. These recipes might be helpful because, for some of you, this new schedule has left you with even less time during the day. Yet, for others, this new way of life may mean more time at home and a need to fill some free time for you or for you and your kids. For those in the former group, these take around an hour to completely prep and then you have lunches to quickly grab out of the fridge during the week. For the latter group, this might be a good time to experiment in your kitchen with whatever groceries you have or are able to have on hand and today’s recipe might be a good one to try! Today I’m sharing my Tahini Caesar Salad Jars that you heard me talk about a ton in previous months. It uses pretty common ingredients (except the tahini may be uncommon for some), and, from my recent experience, these items can still found on the shelves in grocery stores.

In the last few months, in an effort to find some easy prep meals and simplify my weekday mornings, I have been trying out different salad jar combinations. My first experiment was these Chicken Caprese Salad Jars and they turned out wonderfully!! Check out my post for the recipe AND how you can tailor them to meet the needs of the young athlete. My second experiment was these Tahini Caesar Salad Jars. If you’ve been following me for a while then you may remember the Tahini Caesar Dressing that I posted a while back. I seriously do love this dressing and am convinced that it makes everything better! I knew I wanted to use that dressing in my ingredient combination for these jars. It took a few tries to get the proportions right for me, but I think this is perfect for your everyday lunch. The tahini dressing takes no time to whip up and you can do that and saute the mushrooms in a skillet while you let the quinoa cook (quinoa is a very low maintenance grain to cook!).

I love the final flavor combinations of this salad as well. I really don’t know which salad jar I like better! With this recipe you will have a little extra tahini dressing and I would save it in an airtight container in your fridge to use for salads, bowls or dipping sauces later in the week. It’s a fabulous and easy way to add a punch of flavor to otherwise simple and, maybe a little bland, dishes.

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So, what about the athlete? How does this salad jar fit into his / her sports nutrition plan (I know many athletes are not able to practice right now. However, I feel it’s still a good time to learn and so I will continue to share tips and facts with you in this space.)? Well, the same rules apply for these as for my Chicken Caprese Salad Jars so I would make sure to give that post a read if you need to up the carbohydrate or change any of the proportions. And, a reminder, while this is a great all-in-one salad, it should not be the only thing the athlete has for lunch. Especially if the athlete is in training season or competition season, this one jar will not be enough. My Chicken Caprese Salad Jar post also has ideas of sides to add along with this lunch so definitely check it out!

So, here you go, the recipe for my Tahini Caesar Salad Jar.s I hope it simplifies your weekdays just a little and helps fuel you and / or your young athlete!

Happy Fueling!


Tahini Caesar Salad Jars

Makes 3 jars


  • 6 tablespoons Tahini Caesar Dressing

  • 1/2 to 1 cup, uncooked quinoa (I always go ahead and cook 1 cup dry so I have leftovers for dinners during the week. If you don’t want leftovers, prepare about 1/2 cup dry quinoa)

  • 3/4 cup halved cherry tomatoes

  • Salt, to taste

  • 3/4 cup quartered roasted baby bella mushrooms

  • 1 1/2 cup diced or pulled store-bought rotisserie chicken

  • 3 cups chopped romaine lettuce


  1. Whisk together all ingredients for the Tahini Caesar Dressing.

  2. Cook quinoa according to package directions.

  3. While quinoa is cooking, heat a small skillet to medium heat and add the quartered baby bella mushrooms. Cook about 5 to 10 minutes until they start to soften and release their water. Remove from the heat.

  4. Ideally, allow the ingredients to cool as much as you can but, if time doesn’t allow, go ahead and begin assembling.

  5. To assemble each jar add:

    • 2 tablespoons Tahini Caesar dressing

    • 1/4 cup cooked quinoa

    • 1/4 cup halved cherry tomatoes

    • Pinch of salt

    • 1/4 cup quartered roasted baby bella mushrooms

    • 1/2 cup diced or pulled rotisserie chicken

    • Another drizzle of tahini dressing

    • 1 cup chopped Romaine lettuce

  6. Once cooled, add the tops to your containers and store them in the refrigerator for lunches during the week! You can eat them straight from the jar, or dump out the ingredients into a big bowl and toss all ingredients together. I enjoy it both ways, just depends on where I’m eating lunch that day!

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Chicken Caprese Salad Jars: An easy fueling lunch for busy parent OR athlete!

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This is a new creation that is fast and absolutely fabulous! I feel like I’m being dramatic in saying that, but really, it is so delicious. I thought it would be pretty good, but after mixing it up and taking a bite, I even surprised myself! The mix of flavors is just so. darn. fantastic. The balsamic melds with the quinoa and then you mix that with the basil and mozzarella, pinch of salt and pepper, the sweet tomatoes and the flavor-packed tender rotisserie chicken. Really, friends, I hope you make a bunch of these for busy weeks ahead!

I love these, yes, because they are delicious, but also because it’s everything in one jar! Just make sure you have a fork on hand to dig in! This recipe is easy for a quick break between shuttling kids or taking care of babies, a satisfying and energizing lunch between meetings at work, AND an easy lunch for the young athlete! I eat this straight from the jar or deconstruct the salad on one plate. Now, I absolutely LOVE the ingredient combo in this one and think the flavors and textures are spot on, but you can, of course, mix it up if you want. I fully intend to do this in the weeks to come. Although, I’ll probably always end up coming back to this guy. Just. So. Good.

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Constructing Salad Jars for the Young Athlete

Now, let’s shift focus to the young athlete for a minute. What if you are making this for your athlete? Maybe it’s for his or her school lunch or a pre or post game / practice dinner? What should your salad jar consist of? How much of each ingredient should you include? Here is how I would think about it:

  1. You need at least 3 different food groups (out of the 6: meat or meat equivalent, fruit, veggie, grains/starch, dairy, healthy fat)

  2. You need a source of protein (one food group), you need a source of carbohydrate (grains, starchy veggies, fruit, milk / yogurt), and you need some colorful veggies!

  3. The meal needs to work with the training schedule and performance goals AND be something he or she actually WANTS to eat (that’s a big one!). What are the athlete’s goals right now?? What sport is he or she in? What foods does he/she like? This will determine the composition and portions of the jar!

    • If your young athlete is in a season of heavy training…

      • there should be more grains & starch than what is in my salad pictured here (I am not in a season of heavy sports training and 2-a-days). The grain/starch choice is your athlete’s main source of energy in this dish. Protein must be present as well, and make sure you can squeeze some veggies in there!

    • If your athlete is in the off season or maybe his/her sport is not as intense …

      • he or she will want a greater amount of the veggies than the grains and starch. Still make sure their is a source of protein!

    • If weight loss is a concern and you’re trying to help your athlete maintain his/her weight during the season…

      • Make whole grains and/or starchy veggies the majority of the jar. the 2nd highest ingredient should be the protein (for maintaining / building lean muscle). Include the veggies that you can. Accompany with some healthy fat, as tolerated.

    • Make sure to include a little healthy fat for satiety, even if weight maintenance isn’t your goal, unless practice or performance is within the next couple of hours or so (although some athletes in lower intensity sports can tolerate fats like peanut butter, nuts and seeds, and avocado just fine before practice).

    • Make sure there is something that adds flavor! In my Chicken Caprese Salad jar, the balsamic vinaigrette at the bottom of the jar infuses through everything and adds a new dimension of flavor. Then, to top it off are the shreds of basil, a drizzle of pesto, and the rotisserie chicken.

  4. What didn’t fit in the jar? This is the great feature of a meal, but in most cases, it shouldn’t be the only thing. Veggies didn’t fit? Add them on the side with some hummus or Greek yogurt dip. Don’t feel like you got enough grains? Accompany with some whole grain crackers or a hearty granola bar. Athlete still feels hungry after lunch? Add a Greek yogurt, cup of cottage cheese or string cheese to pump up the protein, which aids in satiety. And there’s always room for fruit! It’s adds energy from quality carbohydrates as well as fluid and a little something sweet to accompany the meal.

Do you already do salad jars in your home? If so, tell me about it by commenting below! I and others would love to hear your ideas! Questions about portions or ingredients? Put those in the comments as well.

Happy Fueling!


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Chicken Caprese Salad Jars

Serves 1


  • 2 Tbsp Balsamic vinaigrette (store bought or homemade, see recipe below)

  • 1/2 cup Cooked quinoa

  • 1/2 cup Diced fresh mozzarella cheese

  • sprinkle of salt & pepper

  • 1/2 cup Halved cherry / grape tomatoes

  • 1 tablespoon jarred pesto (or more if desired)

  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup Pulled rotisserie chicken (you can make yourself but I’m typically using store bought)

  • 1 teaspoon Julienned Basil


  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

  • 1/2 tablespoon honey

  • a pinch of salt & pepper


  1. If using homemade dressing, whisk all ingredients together in a small mixing bowl or pour all ingredients into a small mason jar, close the lid, and shake up to combine all ingredients.

  2. Using a medium-size spoon (like a soup spoon), spoon ingredients into jar, one layer at a time in the following order:

    • Balsamic vinaigrette

    • Quinoa

    • Fresh mozzarella

    • salt & pepper

    • Halved tomatoes

    • Jarred pesto

    • Chicken

    • Basil

      *I try to press it down just a little to make sure I can get all the delicious ingredients inside.

  3. Screw the top on and store in the refrigerator until ready to use!

  4. Enjoy!

Chili Lime Shrimp & Avocado Toast


So, it appears I have a recipe theme of “shrimp meals” going on this month as my last post was this super simple and delicious Grilled Pesto Garden Salad with Warm Balsamic Shrimp. Today I’m continuing on with the theme and sharing my Citrus Shrimp & Avocado Toast Recipe. I have had this one in my recipe binder for years now and it has a regular presence in our home. I don’t know how it has not made it's way to the blog until today! Needless to say, I’m really excited to share this one with you guys.

As you probably already know by now, I’m a big fan of simple meals with simple but tasty quality ingredients. I always ask myself, “How can I bring out the flavors of simple ingredients and pair them together for a memorable meal with family and friends?” I, personally, think this recipe is one that answers this question perfectly. It takes the classic avocado toast but adds a few more ingredients, including a little bit of protein, to help make it a more complete meal and a good option for you and your busy athletes!

The tomatoes can cook on the stove or you can broil them in the oven while you cook the shrimp and toast your bread (I typically broil them so it frees me up to work on the other components of the dish). Once that is complete, you just have to start building your toast! This dish has alllll the wonderful flavors going on with the layer of creamy savory avocado, juicy sweet and salty tomatoes, a pop of sweet yellow corn and those warm citrusy chili shrimp. I seriously do love this dish and it’s so easy for those hot southern summer nights when you want something cool but satisfying for dinner. Whatever your schedule may be, I hope you can enjoy this dish with me this summer!

Happy Fueling!



Makes 4 toasts



For the Shrimp:

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • Zest of 1 lime

  • Juice of 1 lime

  • 2 teaspoons chili powder

  • 1/2 pound peeled and deveined shrimp (you will have shrimp leftover for meals later that week. I typically do 4 to 5 shrimp per piece of toast). I get the smaller shrimp so more fit on each slice of toast :)

For the Toast:

  • 4 slices of whole-wheat bread

  • 1/2 cup mashed avocado (about 2 small avocados or 1 large avocado)

  • 1/2 tablespoon lime juice

  • 1 dry pint of cherry tomatoes

  • 1 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • 4 tablespoons frozen & thawed corn (equivalent to 1/4 cup)

  • OPTIONAL - 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese, served on the side and sprinkled over toast


  1. To make the shrimp marinade, combine the ingredients for the shrimp in a small bowl and whisk well to combine.

  2. Add the shrimp to a plastic sealable bag and then pour in the marinade.

  3. Place plastic bag in the refrigerator and allow the shrimp to marinate for around an hour.

  4. Set the oven to broil and line a small baking sheet with foil.

  5. Add lime juice to the mashed avocado to flavor it and prevent it from browning while you prepare the rest of the dish.

  6. In a medium bowl, combine the cherry tomatoes with the 1 tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of salt.

  7. Add the tomatoes to the baking sheet and allow to broil in the oven about 6 to 8 minutes.

  8. While the tomatoes cook, heat a medium-sized skillet or grill pan over medium heat.

  9. Add the marinated shrimp to the skillet and cook for about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes per side, until the shrimp are white throughout.

  10. Remove the cooked tomatoes from the broiler and set aside.

  11. Begin to toast your bread and remove the shrimp from the heat when done cooking.

  12. Place your slices of toast on separate plates or a serving platter and assemble by adding to each slice:

    1. Mashed avocado

    2. Broiled tomatoes

    3. Sweet yellow corn (about 1 tablespoon per toast)

    4. 4 to 5 chili lime shrimp

  13. Sprinkle slices with feta, if desired, and enjoy!

NOTE: We often serve our Toast with a simple spinach & mango salad sprinkled with toasted pumpkin seeds and drizzled with a homemade balsamic vinaigrette. Inspired by one of my other recipes found here!

I like serving this flavor-packed Toast with a simple spinach salad tossed with sweet cook mangos, crunchy toasted nutty pumpkin seeds and drizzles of a homemade balsamic vinaigrette.

I like serving this flavor-packed Toast with a simple spinach salad tossed with sweet cook mangos, crunchy toasted nutty pumpkin seeds and drizzles of a homemade balsamic vinaigrette.


The shrimp and whole grain bread provide PROTEIN

The roasted tomatoes are full of VITAMIN C and LYCOPENE. The vitamin C can help the body absorb any iron found in this dish (like in the whole grain bread or any in the shrimp)

The creamy avocado provides POTASSIUM, LUTEIN, and MONOUNSATURATED FATS. Beneficial for bone health, muscle contractions, good vision, brain health and helping fight inflammation!


Use any extra ingredients as toppings on salads, mix-ins for eggs, or make another round of this delicious toast!