bell peppers

DIY Roasted Red Peppers

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As a Christmas gift last year my brother and sister-in-law, who, I think, are some of the best and most creative gift - givers I know, got me a subscription to Cook's Illustrated.  I LOVE this particular gift.  If you are not familiar with this magazine it is excellent for those curious about food and cooking.  The magazine contains articles that focus on everything from different cooking utensils to methods of cooking various foods and it walks you through various cooking trials explaining what went poorly and what worked the best.  I think it's excellent for the curious chef and non - chef alike :).

Now, what caught my eye in this most recent issue was a small section on roasting bell peppers yourself (vs buying the jarred roasted red peppers), something I have tried a handful of times in the past and failed somewhat miserably the majority of the time.  I was super excited to give Cook's Illustrated's recommendation a try, especially because I was planning on making a recipe that called for these that coming week.  I followed their detailed and simple directions to a "T" and it worked beautifully!  The peppers came out hot with the skin bubbled and able to be peeled off easily.  They added a pop of color to my dish and their soft texture and sweet taste was the perfect complement to the more savory components of the meal.

Of course, you can use the jarred roasted red peppers (and I probably still will from time to time), but I love the idea of using fresh peppers that I've just selected from the  grocery store or Farmers Market.  And I love it even more when I know they will be so easy to roast on my own.  I have used roasted bell peppers in two recent recipes already this past week, both of which I have shared on my Instagram page (one recipe I incorporated big dices of the peppers & the other I blended with sautéed garlic and onions for a rich roasted red pepper pasta sauce).  This method really has proven to be simple and successful and I'm so jazzed about it that I want to share it with you today. I hope you will find these directions helpful and that they encourage you to start incorporating these colorful, sweet & fueling summer veggies in more of your upcoming summer meals.

So, here is Cook's Illustrated's instructions for roasting your own bell peppers.  Thanks you Cook's Illustrated for the cooking tips!

Happy Fueling!




  • One or more red bell peppers

  • Cooking spray or 2 tablespoons (about) of vegetable oil


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1. Wash & dry your bell peppers. I used 3 peppers (about 1.5 pounds).

2. Line a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray or lightly coat foil with vegetable oil.

3. Slice off tops & bottoms of peppers, cutting 1/2 inch from tops and bottoms.

4. Gently remove stems from tops and twist & pull out each core, using a knife to loosen at edges if necessary.

5. Cut a slit down 1 side of each bell pepper.

6. Turn each bell pepper skin side down and gently press so it opens to create long strips.

7. Slide a knife along insides of bell peppers to remove remaining ribs and seeds.

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8. Arrange pepper strips, tops, and bottoms skin side up on the prepared sheet and flatten all pieces with your hand.

9. Adjust oven rack 3 to 4 inches from broiler element and heat broiler.

10. Broil until skin is puffed and most of surface is well charred, 10 - 13 minutes, rotating sheet halfway through broiling.

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11. Using tongs, pile bell peppers in center of foil.

12. Gather foil over bell peppers and crimp to form pouch. Let steam for about 10 minutes.

13. Open foil packet and spread out bell peppers.

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14. When cool enough to handle, peel bell peppers and discard skins.

15. Add to your favorite entree, side or salad or puree for a delicious sauce!

16. These peppers can also be refrigerated for up to 3 days.

17. Enjoy!


Bell Peppers pack a punch by providing a good source of: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, folate, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, potassium and manganese